Watts to kW – How to converter automatically, formula and chart (table)

To convert from Watts to kW , you just have to divide the Watts by 1000 or use the calculator in this article to make the conversion quickly.

The formula from Watts to kW will also be shown , with some descriptive examples , the main equivalences in a table and finally the steps for the conversion .

Watt to kW calculation formula 3phase, 2 phase, 1 phase:

watts to kw formulate formula

  • Watts=Watt is the unit of power (symbol: W).
  • kW=One kilowatt is equal to 1000 watts.

How to convert Watt to kW in only 1 step.

how convert watt to kw

Step 1:

Divide the watts by 1000. Example, if you have a TV that consumes 250w, you should divide 250 by 1000, the result will be: 0.25kW (250w / 1000 = 0.25kw)

Definition watts and kW:

Watts: is Working Power (also called Actual Power or Active Power or Real Power). It is the power that actually powers the equipment and performs useful work.

The real power in watts is the power that performs work or generates heat. Power in watts is the rate at which energy is consumed (or generated). One watt is one joule (energy) per second (1 W = 1 J/s).

Resistive devices or loads such as heaters, incandescent lamps are rated in Watts.

kW: One kilowatt is equal to 1000 watts.

Watts to kW table chart for conversion, equivalence, transformation:

1 Watts0,001 kW
2 Watts0,002 kW
3 Watts0,003 kW
4 Watts0,004 kW
5 Watts0,005 kW
6 Watts0,006 kW
7 Watts0,007 kW
8 Watts0,008 kW
9 Watts0,009 kW
10 Watts0,01 kW
20 Watts0,02 kW
30 Watts0,03 kW
40 Watts0,04 kW
50 Watts0,05 kW
60 Watts0,06 kW
70 Watts0,07 kW
80 Watts0,08 kW
90 Watts0,09 kW
100 Watts0,1 kW
200 Watts0,2 kW
300 Watts0,3 kW
400 Watts0,4 kW
500 Watts0,5 kW
600 Watts0,6 kW
700 Watts0,7 kW
800 Watts0,8 kW
900 Watts0,9 kW
1000 Watts1 kW
2000 Watts2 kW
3000 Watts3 kW
4000 Watts4 kW
5000 Watts5 kW
6000 Watts6 kW
7000 Watts7 kW
8000 Watts8 kW
9000 Watts9 kW
10000 Watts10 kW
20000 Watts20 kW
30000 Watts30 kW
40000 Watts40 kW
50000 Watts50 kW
60000 Watts60 kW
70000 Watts70 kW
80000 Watts80 kW
90000 Watts90 kW
100000 Watts100 kW

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